© Copyright 2024, Daffy Dave

Print a Daffy invitation for your party

or create your own with the artwork provided

This is a letter-sized PDF (113K). Print and fold. Trim if desired. Do not use "Shrink To Fit" print option.

This is a two-page letter-sized PDF (144K). Print and trim sides. Cut in quarters. Mount on both sides of colored construction paper. Do not use "Shrink To Fit" print option.

dave_face.gif (GIF, 112K)
dave_face.psd (Photoshop, 857K)
daffy_clapometer.gif (GIF, 59K)

DDave_Logo_stacked.eps.hqx (117K, Illustrator 5 EPS, BinHex Encoded)

DDave_Logo_horiz.eps.hqx (105K, Illustrator 5 EPS, BinHex Encoded)