Daffy Dave's News & Reviews
What Parents, Librarians, Teachers and Children are Saying about Daffy Dave
"The Silly Adventures of Daffy Dave"
Movie Premier and DVD release for November 2007
October 17, 2007
Do Be Silly
The Modesto Bee, August 6, 2005
"Enthusiastic children respond to Daffy Dave's commands, above, during the closing moments of his Silly Comedy Show in the Stanislaus County Library's auditorium
in Modesto on Friday. The show is part of Stanislaus County Library Summer Reading program." |
Daffy Dave and Andy Z featured in Family Concert and Clown Show at Discovery Museum August 13, 2005
August 2005
Families revel at Easter egg hunt
Palo Alto Daily News, April 4, 2005
"Clown Daffy Dave, who is a hot headliner at birthday parties for the under-5-years-old set, shared top billing with the Easter Bunny.
He knew his audience. His routine about a "bad clothes day,". . .and his
magic tricks kept his audience laughing continuously." |
"Daffy Dave and Andy Z featured in Family Concert and Clown Show"
November 2004
"Clowning around makes exercise fun"
Palo Alto Daily News
January 16, 2003
"Daffy Dave, underwear master"
The Oakley Press
June 14, 2002